So, its been a little while since I have written anything here...
I have been busy creating for another photography exhibition i have been kindly invited to show.
I am going to use my Rediflex camera to capture some dream like moments around Ireland.
The weather has not been too..... permitting so far but now i must get the proverbial skates on.
I am fortunately spending Easter in New York again, I am very excited as I managed to get some interesting shots on the last
visit which i subsequently sold back to New yorkers ( patriotism goes a long way ) I just cannot wait to take photographs,especially of the people, much like London, the chocolate box leaves a wild and fruity taste in ones mouth, always leaving you licking your lips.
A further venture down to the South will follow, stopping off here and there en route. ( If you happen to like any of these images please visit my Etsy website which there is a link to on this blog) Thank you : B